Greetings Ferret Friends,

I have just recently added a beautiful albino female to my crazy brat
pack. When she was found wandering the streets of Buffalo she was so
dirty they couldn't really tell what color she was. The problem I am
having is that she doesn't have the tell tale MF tattoos on her ear.
How can I find out if she has been fixed? Is there a way for the vet
to figure this out? She is just beautiful...we call her Abbie, or
Abbie-girl. My other ferrets just love her too. I hope everyone is
having a great time at the Symposium. If my daughters didn't do
all-star cheering, I would actually have the money to be there too!

Don't forget to kiss your ferrets!
DiAnne, Chloe, Bandit, Chris, Jack, Junior, Lenny, Bender, Abbie-girl

[Posted in FML 5648]