The first ferret I ever encountered came home to me as a "rescue" back
in 1982. She would also get this TERRIBLE sounding cough. There was
very little info on ferrets available then, & I had used some Cedar
chips in her pan. We lived in a VERY humid climate, & I discovered that
if I turned-on the electric radiator & dried-out her room that the
cough stopped. Since we now know that many ferrets are allergic to
Cedar chips, my bet is that when the cedar chips dried-out, she was
no longer exposed to the oils that made her allergic.

You mentioned that you just moved to a new house, so since Eddie seems
just fine (eating, playing, etc.) except for the cough, my bet is
allergies. Don't forget that NEW drapes, carpet, furniture etc. may
have something on them that he is allergic to, so try to keep him in
a "clean" area & see if the cough stops. if so, expose him to one new
thing at a time to find the culprit. If a good clean & rinse of the
area around him doesn't make a difference, you may want to have your
air-conditioning system checked. He could be the first one in the
family to notice mold, dust, spores, or some other substance in there
that you really don't want to be breathing either!

Best wishes,

Lisa & Effe

[Posted in FML 5647]