One thing I have learned is that dookie will definitely not keep mice
away inside the house. Go figure that out. Neither will 3 cats, they
are entirely too well fed and hunt mice only for entertainment purposes
as I occasionally find the carcasses of their carnival. One ferret of
mine out of 18 is my hunter. She finds, kills and
disposes of very efficiently.

I am wondering however if there aren't more possibilities for dookie
than we imagined? Now granted we may have to use other methods to use
it as an adequate preventative to the problem.

First let's address the problem of the cynical optic rectitis patient
that can poo poo something as precious as a ferret wedding. To this
person, I leave a batch of half cooked dookie brownies with the hope
that they have the stick to the roof of your mouth effect similar to
peanut butter. Shame on you!! As a former mother of the bride and groom
who were wed at the BFC ferret show several years, I AM OFFENDED.
Jasper and Mystery Girl were wed on the stage at the Tall Cedars Hall
complete with music, a minister, wedding dress, Jasper in a tux shirt
and a wedding cake. ( I could have strangled the videographer who
didn't turn the camera on!!!!!!!!!!!!) so all we have to commemorate
are a few mediocre snapshots. Some kind folks even brought wedding
gifts to our table. Their cage was decorated as their wedding suite.
(However, I don't think they'll ever forgive me for sneaking a photo
later in the evening when they were honeymooning in their hammy) I
promised not to make a centerfold out of it.

On a serious note however, I will tell you that these two ferrets
were truly in love with each other. Mystery Girl, the older woman in
Jasper's life stayed by each other's side constantly. Mystery passed
before Jasper. While undergoing adrenal surgery, the vet found that she
was LOADED with cancer and we put her down. I laid her out on my bed
for Jasper to say good bye (later kicking myself as I saw how upset
he was) He curled up on top of her body and cried..little whimpering,
sighing sounds....not wanting to stress him, I picked him up only to
have him leap from my arms and curl back up with his beautiful albino
bride. I let him be with her for an hour...he never moved from that
spot....and did not live too long after that himself. Who are we to
deny matrimony to these kids who are obviously in love AND wish to use
their wedding to raise money for ferret shelters. I don't think it's
against any laws and since they don't need to be on each other's
insurance policies, I say let the wedding go on and please give me an
address where I can forward a gift to the bride and groom. I will also
need to know the color scheme they have chosen.

Snow came through surgery with flying colors and our dear vet has a
second succesful adrenal surgery under her belt...and I learned some
more about adrenal. I had NO IDEA that the gland itself was no bigger
than a grain of rice!!!!! Snow had a tumor the size of a pea on the
left that had JOINED the one growing on the right gland. The left
gland was removed, the right tumor removed succesfully. He is doing
wonderfully and they will be going to their new home in a couple of

Kat's Raffle:
I also want to chime in on Wolfy's comments. Kat is one of the most
giving persons I know of. She never thinks of herself , nor would she
ask for help even though it means that she can't continue to do her
work that benefits so many shelters, which is why I stepped in and
insisted we do this for her. I have learned by visiting her (twice now)
that she lives very frugally so she can continue to give to her own
brood and continue her ferret charity work. People, we're talking about
someone that has helped raise thousands of dollars. This fundraising
is full time for her. Full time hours with the only payment being the
satisfaction of knowing she makes a difference in the lives of the
helpless. There are over 3000 members that read this list and I know
every single one of you has a dollar or 5 to participate in this
raffle. SOS has touched every one of us in one way or another. Maybe
you adopted a ferret from a shelter that was able to continue their
work because of SOS. Without their help, many shelters would not be
able to continue their work. Many of these shelters are run only by
one or two people and to do so succesfully, you have alot on your
plate...most of us with full time jobs, the ferret care being the
second full time job. Constant cleaning, buying bulk supplies, hauling
them in and storing them out of ferret reach, the financials, the
fundraising, the education, the is an immense undertaking
and getting a hand up from SOS (at least for me) has been a huge gift
from God that always brings me to tears at the selfless work these
people do to save lives. We are close to raising the amount needed to
run the cable to Kat's house. I suggested that if we raised anything
above it that it go toward her monthly bill -$70!!!! Just for
internet!!!!!! and do you know what Kat said???? .....She said no.
She wants funds raised over $500 to go to SOS. I ask you, do you know
anyone like this anywhere? I know I don't. C'mon folks, there are some
really great items on there. 10 packages to choose from!!!!!!! I'm not
knocking anyone for not participating because I know we all have our
share of financial problems...( beleive me, I understand THIS concept
as well as anyone) but I've got to say I'm a little disappointed in the
number of folks that are participating. It's amazing we've raised what
we have with such few participants. Everyone has one dollar to give our
Kat a hand let's get moving folks. Only a little over a month
left. Last week, my 11 year old nephew was here and he saw me working
on the raffle and asked what I was doing. When I told him, he bought
some tickets with the allowance I give him for helping out around here.
Bless his sweet heart. He thought the website was adorable too. I want
to add some hand made ferret sacks to the raffle but I just can't
guarantee when I can finish will probably be by the drawing
time but I'm not going to advertise it , just in case I can't get them will just be an added bonus if I can accomplish it.

Now go buy some tickets!!!!

Kim and da kids at Somethin Up My Sleeve Ferret Rescue

[Posted in FML 5627]