Dooks to one and all.

I would like to offer my condolances to all who have recently had their
fuzz-butts leave this world for the Rainbow Bridge. The latest two,
Charity and Lucky, are now released from the physical bondage of the
body and they are free to play and soar throughout the heavens and at
the Rainbow Bridge.

I would like to point out that in the Old Testament (the Torah in the
Hebrew Language) stated that in the beginning God created all things,
including mankind. It also states that ONLY mankind fell from grace by
sinning against God by eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of
Good and Evil. It was by this sin, which mankind attempted to be like
God, that mankind obtained the SOUL, and has the knowledge of Good and
Evil. Animals, on the other hand have a SPIRIT, for it says (The First
Book of the Torah; aka: Genesis) that GOD BREATHED THE BREATH OF LIFE
for Breath may also be translated into Spirit or Wind, and the same is
true in the Greek Language, in which the New Testament was written.)
Therefore, the animals did not sin, and are NOT subject to judgment
by the Creator, for animals live and exist by instinct, and learned
behavior. Mankind learns right from wrong as they grow up. Animals
react to stimuli supplied by mankind' vision of what is right or wrong.

Next, in the NEW TESTAMENT, Jesus said: Your Heavenly Father knows when
even the lowly sparrow falls from the sky, are you not more valuable
than the sparrow? Even so, The Birds of the air neither sow nor spin,
but your Heavenly Father sees that they are fed and sheltered. I ask
the question, that if animals are not important to God, then why would
God even take notice of the animals. Further, in the Gospel according
to John, Chapter 3, verse 16, it is written: FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD
WILL NOT PERISH BUT HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. The animals believe, and so do
some people. The animals are saved by the grace of God and God's Power.
And I say this because I do not believe that the God who loves mankind
so much, and we are sinners, and then reject that which is perfect in

And, in Science (Physics) there is a law that reads: ENERGY CANNOT BE
Life is Energy, it too will change form, from the physical that we
mortals see, to the spiritual form, which God sees, and that we will
see later. Animals will be in the Eternal Kingdom, because God says
so, not mankind.

In other religions, such as Buddhist, and Hindu, animals are considered
sacred, because they have life, and that life should not be taken by
mankind. And, I believe that our Muslim brothers and sisters, since
they are also descendents from Father Abraham, will also cherish the
valuable essence of the lives of animals.

Native Americans also respected animals, and gave thanks to the spirits
of the animals for giving of their lives so that the tribe might have
food, clothing, shelter and tools, and also gave thanks to the Great
Spirit for blessing us (I am part Mohawk) with lifegiving gifts from
the land, the water, and the air.

Believe, one and all, You will see your beloved fur-kids again, when
we are called to the eternal kingdom of God, and we will never again
be separated from our beloved pets and family.

To Bob C: Bob, I am not sure if God will let you use the Heavenly
Computer or not, after all, you did aid and abet in the demise of
Mrs. Motherboard and Mr. Harddrive. but I am sure, if you ask for
forgiveness, it will be granted.

Also Bob C, I am praying for you, as are a number of various
congregations in Northeast Lower Michigan, that you will soon be
cured of the MRSA infection.

May the Peace of God, which surpasses all Human Understanding, be with
each and every one of you, and may your grief be short, and your loving
memories be eternal.

Rev. Ronald L. Sims, D.D. & Family: 2 hooman-beans owned and controlled
by 2 canines, 2 felines (sometimes 3 - a stray) and all of our fur-kids
who are now at the Rainbow Bridge.

[Posted in FML 5637]