"This year I led a week-long trip to swim with the humpback whales
where they have their babies each year.  It is impossible to describe
floating in the ocean with a gentle 50-foot creature who allows her
baby to swim up to you." So began SOS co-founder Judith White's year.
Although she was a ferret lover from the moment her daughter
introduced her to them. "Rebecca had fallen in love with a ferret she
met in the neighborhood.  At a pet store one evening, the crafty sales
people let two ferrets out in the empty store.  We laughed so hard at
their weasel war dances that we were ferret people from that moment."
Their antics did not stop in the store. One night Judith found Kermit
in the top drawer of an empty dresser. He had opened the bottom drawer
from below, climbed in, and opened each drawer in turn until he got to
the top.

While ferret antics are fun, Judith's focus moved from fun to purpose.
"Belonging to the FML changed my focus from being a ferret companion
to being a ferret shelter supporter.  I so much admired the incredible
work the shelter operators were doing I had to help." That was the
beginnings of Support Our Shelters, which works with shelters to help
provide needed veterinary care to shelter ferrets. This interest in
others is evident in Judith's desire to see healing in action. "I
would spend 24 hours with Jesus as he laid hands on people to heal
them and then went to their houses to eat and drink and laugh with

Other than Rebecca, Judith and her husband Eric have a son, Paul.
Several years ago Judith became interested in reiki. "I practice two
forms of energy healing work.  Reiki is energy healing that provides
relaxation, pain relief, and accelerated physical healing.  The
Healing Codes are a form of energy psychology that remove stress and
heal the emotional issues that cause most of our problems.  Both can
be done over distance."

To relax, Judith works her healing work on herself "and I sit in
nature and soak in the incomprehensible beauty." She also likes to
read, especially popular physics, books on spiritual healing and good
fiction. Her favorite book is animal-related - The Sense of Being
Stared At by Rupert Sheldrake, a developmental biologist. "I think An
Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore is the most important movie in decades.
I love classical, country, gospel, blues, and rock music." And who
does this diverse woman look up to? "I deeply admire Martin Luther.
He was able to look at his faith with fresh eyes and an open heart.
He was not afraid to confront the church of his day with the ways they
had distorted the truth to their political and financial advantage."

Meet Judith in Portland as she talks to us about the roots and work of
SOS. And remember her as a person who offers hope to others in need.
You can learn more about her at http://www.Reiki4Healing.com  and
http://www.TheHealingCodes.com/judith. Contact her by email at
[log in to unmask] or call her at 610-626-6647

renee :)
It's amazing how much can be accomplished if nobody cares who gets the
Ferret Emergency Response, Rescue & Evacuation Team (F.E.R.R.E.T.)
[log in to unmask]
International Ferret Congress
American Red Cross

[Posted in FML 5635]