I have always been super-paranoid about my babies' safety.

We rarely even have friends over, and when we do, the ferts have to go
to their room. We don't like this much, and needless to say, neither
do they! So it's pretty quiet around here. Mostly. Except for the
occasional crashing noise. Usually a cat trying desperately to escape
the affections of the ferts.

Regardless of our relative solitude...I live in fear of my dishwasher
and my washer & dryer. So when I saw this on Ebay, I snapped 'em up:


OK, I'll be honest. I bought 3 DOZEN. Got a heck of a deal, lol. The
seller is a wonderful lady, and she makes these herself. A high quality
product at a very reasonable price. A gentle little reminder never

Julie & the Woozles
21st Century Ferret

[Posted in FML 5631]