Alexandra -

We too have had a similar problem with our larger yet older and
arthritic dog doing the pulling on walks- he is the most docile sweet
thing and not aggressive in the least- but when he gets that leash on
he just wants to GO - somewhere - fast-

We too tried many things but also not wanting to harm him in any way-
(the choke collar doesnt work on him or the spikey thing or yelling
either) - we found a harness that slips over his chest & around the
front legs & attaches to the leash at the collar area & that has done
wonders! i think the pressure is in the right places to make him walk
more conforatably and at a good pace- when he pulls and we tug back he
stops immediately & walks - it doesnt hurt him - just seems to remind
him to remind him to slow down-

Its called Yuppy Puppy Anti- Pull Harness- we got it at walmart i

There are actually lots of different kinds of harnesses- and i'm sure
most are fine.

Good luck!!


[Posted in FML 5596]