By the look of things here, the FML is in for another war, so I will
just say my bit and head for cover, Dianne, I had ferrets as a kid,
I'm from WA, faming district, "Quiarding", look it up. By now it might
be on the map LOL  My experience there, and here in Holland is that a
Jill, even if she is brought out of heat by a v-hop, does prepare for
kits and often drags around other ferrets or toys, and can get very
upset when the six week are up and there are no kits. But that is my

Debra, The ferret that needed a v hob, is apparently not in heat, so
the hob is not necessary. But what bugs me here is, I though I could
give my opinion or advice to help others in the some circumstances,
Kim gives her opinion and suddenly we are throwing mud again. I fail
to see what purchasing a full hob has to do with someone needing a
v hob. The discussion is simply do we use a v hob or not. That is a
decision someone makes on the advice given. They read both sides of
the story and make up their own minds, If advise or opinions turned
into mud fights. Soon no one will give an opinion anymore. I don't
have the same experience as Dianne, that does not make me right or
her wrong. It's just a difference of opinion. Sorry it had to end
like this


The Netherlands

[Posted in FML 5624]