Names for ferrets:

- Himilayan Plush Lizard
- furry cocaine
- Kittens on Crack
- Carpet Sharks
- Polish Cats
- Fuzzies
- Fuzzbutts
- Weasels
- Tube-rats
- Fur Slinkies
- Stinky slinkies
- Monkey Weasels
- Bugger Cruds
- Cat tunnelers
- Fuzzmunchers
- Dumpsters
- Trashferts
- Bucket Butt
- 2 yr olds with ADHD
- Fur-buttons (the cuter ones)
- Fang Faces (the braver ones)
- Flumpies (playing ferrets)
- Bouncity-bouncers (extremely energetic ferrets)
- Cat Corralers (they herd cats quite well)
- Mountain Weasels (they like anything shiny)
- Trash Trouncers (what Ping does a lot of)
- Ankle Biters (works for kidlets that don't walk yet, too)
- Four-legged Fur Snakes (I've actually had people say "Really? I never
  knew snakes had fur!")
- Cat Dance trainers (Yeah, they can teach the cat to dance, when they
  want to!)
- Levitating Leviathans (or "Floaters" for those that forget where they
  are levitating to and just float in mid-air)
- Dinner Divers (usually when they are diving into *my* dinner!)
- T-Shirt Challangers (for those that like to leap on the couch and
  dive into my shirt, then poke their snouts out to dare one of their
  pursuers to come up there and try to get them)
- Curly Buzzers (for when they are sleeping all curled up and snoring)
- Rug Nuggets (when they fall asleep in the middle of the room)
- Bunny Battlers (for when you hear a major wrestling match under the
  furniture, but then only one ferret walks out with a dust bunny all
  shredded up in their whiskers)
- Frickin' Pigmy Hedge Weasels (for when they decide to wake me up by
  sticking their wet little tongue in my ear)

[Posted in FML 5622]