"I had worked with ferrets in Zoo education programs for 10 years. One
day at the Indianapolis Zoo, a woman entered my office and she smelled
like ferrets. Like the sweet smell of ambrosia, I was hooked. About a
year later, I married that ferret smelling woman."

And so Joel Vanderbush became a ferret dad overnight. That woman is
Ailigh, an animal behaviorist who brought six British ferrets with her.
Currently, the 39 animals in the family business, ANIMALIA, include
14 ferrets. And, Daddydom became even more real with the unexpected
pregnancy and birth of six ferret kits -- "unexpected because the
father had a vasectomy."

But, ferrets aren't the only animals in Joel's life. Joel worked as a
Zoologist in zoos across the US for 10 years before launching ANIMALIA
in 2005. Joel was a national speaker for the Association of Zoos and
Aquariums for 5 years and was nationally recognized for youth
programming in zoos. He is the vice-chair for the board of directors
of the Emergent Leadership Institute which engages youth volunteer in
their communities. So, to learn that a rhinoceros nearly bit his finger
off or that a golden eagle talon sliced through his forearm should come
as no surprise.

These days Joel and Ailigh spend time renovating their house and
taking care of the animals. But, if he does find himself relaxing --
"That would be my wife sitting on the couch with our Rottweiler, Carl,
laying on her lap, while I lay on the couch using Carl as a pillow
and while our Dachshund, Weasel lays on me." --his favorite movie,
*Beastmaster,* might be on the screen. Or, he may be reading his
favorite book, Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak or listening
to big band music.

Joel would like to be remembered as "a man of passion and action that
didn't just care about animals, the environment, and education, but
actually did something about it." And, Joel and Ailigh do something
about it through education. ANIMALIA conducts education outreach
programs, animal behavior consultation and training and offers a full
range of professional consultation services. Together they have served
as professional educators, consultants, writers, artists, program
managers, and zookeepers.

To learn more about Joel, check their website at www.animalia.us.
ANIMALIA can also be reached at [log in to unmask] or by
calling (317) 695-5461. OR, you can hear him at the Portland Symposium
June 24.

renee :)
It's amazing how much can be accomplished if nobody cares who gets the
Ferret Emergency Response, Rescue & Evacuation Team (F.E.R.R.E.T.)
[log in to unmask]
International Ferret Congress
American Red Cross

[Posted in FML 5622]