Hi Paige and Sara and everyone else,

Thank Sara so much for the run down on what to expect if breeding a
jill. And thank you Paige for the support in the event that I did
decide to breed this little girl. But relax, as much as I had
considered letting her have a liter, what you said, Sara, about needing
emergency medical care made the decision for me. Not that I wouldn't be
willing to call the vet at any time during pregnancy, birth and after
but the only qualified vet is a good two hour drive and with that,
having a liter of kits is not pheasible for me.

Sara, she wasn't surrendered to the vet - someone left her in a plastic
tub at the vet's office door! She is not in heat but with our local
vet's limited ferret knowlege, he said she was under a year and with
no tattoos he made the assumption she was from a private breeder. She
has not been descented and with that he said she is probably whole. In
looking for a vhob, that was based on my limited knowlege. I was just
trying to protect her health until she could be spayed safely. And of
course never having had a whole jill, the thought crossed my mind to
breed once. Yes, I had read about and been told about how nasty the
process can be. But with no specialist in the area, I will not be
taking the chance with her or the kits health.

Thanks for all the info and support.

Dooks to all!

Karen Young
Ferret Affair

[Posted in FML 5622]