Okay I was baskin in de warm sunshine as it was sposed to be my day off
from bridge duties. All of a sudden, de courier drops a note on my head
and squeaks at me saying, SaraFerret, youre sposed to be at de bridge,
all de other greeters are off doing sumting else.

I looked at him and says, Uh, boyferret, dis is my day off, what do
you mean, bridge duty for me. He squeaks up very self important, well
you sees de note. Sos you best hustle, SaraFerret. (At dis point, I am
tinking very not nice, unangelic toughts, someting along de lines about
telling dis little courier to put a sock in his little mouth, but I
decide, nope, I just wont do dat). So I hops up and trots off to do
bridge duty.

And sure enough dere is a little darling ferret trotting across de
bridge wit a very heavy secret backpack. Dis must be Snowball,
furdaughter of Mommy Rosie. When she arrives I introduces myself, Hi
I am SaraFerret, de bridge greeter. Welcome to your new home.

Well, Snowball looks at me and says in a quiet voice, But I liked my
old home perfectly fine, so I really would rather go back there.

Well, Snowball, I says, unfortunately, dere comes a time in a ferret's
life when we must pass from one plane to another just like people do.
We do tend to pack a lot into our lives when we are with humans tho.
Tink of how much joy we bwing into dere lives. Dey get to watch us
dance and bounce. Dere lives would be so boring and dwab witout us
ferrets to entertain dem.

Snowball twies to wrap her mind around dis tought and finally says,
Well Ms SaraFerret, I can see your point, but Mommy Rosie was cwying
so hard when I left and she wasnt feeling so good.

But Snowball, I says, she knew you werent feeling well and so she knew
it was best when you left as she didnt want you to suffer like humans

So we gots tru dat part. Finally we gots to de wings and she started to
cheer up a bit. So offs we went to Kit and Kaboodle to choose wings and
halo. Which ones to choose, such decisions. We looked at all colors.
None were laid out on de counter which was so unusual, and none wit her
name on dem. Hmmmm. All of a sudden a small ferret runs in wit a big
box and trips as he does so. The box which is marked "Snowball" falls
open and out falls a pair of lavender wings with pink sparklies.
Snowball is just enchanted by dem.

Right den and dere we have to get dem on her. She gets her halo on and
we take her over to de mirror. And she looks at de mirror and smiles.
She turns around and around. VANITY-THY NAME IS FERRET!

And as we leave we hear noises outside de door and we open it.

SURPRISE! Booger, Maxine, Maxi, Fritz, Pepper, Prince, Misty, Bear,
and Buddy are all dere to greet her. Dere are so many dey have three
cottages. So it will be a big decision for her to make up her mind who
she wishes to stay wit. Big party planned tonite! I am invited. Pepsis,
sweet iced tea, squirt cheese, crackers, de whole nine yards. You
betcha, I am gonna be dere unless dat little courier calls me away.

Dey are going to take Snowball on de tour as she is rather worn out
from switching from earth plane to bridge plane. It can be a trying

Hugs and loveys from de Bridge

[Posted in FML 5596]