Dear Alexandra:

So, you think only Dick Cheney knows where your *Undisclosed Hardened
Location" is, huh? Well, *my* ferrets know *everything* about
*everyone* and they told me right where you are! In fact, just to prove
it, I've uploaded 200,000 sexy-crazed, chirping froggies to SURROUND
YOUR HOUSE! They will also be trying to entice your ferrets to come
outside! To Ping, they will be yelling "Eat Me!" To Puma, the female
froggies will be croaking "Hey, little girl! I got some fine frog's
legs here for you to bite! Tastes just like raw chicken!" OK, so Puma
might not go for that one. We all know how that raw chicken diet went
with her. But I'm sure they'll be gluing bits of kibble to those legs,
just to draw her out of hiding!

Hardened, indeed! You can't defend against a ferret! Wait. Diablo wants
some gas for some mechanical trimming device he's got hidden. I'll be
back in a minute, just as soon as I figure out where I put that gas

Todd and the Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns

[Posted in FML 5617]