I think Karen hit the nail on the head by saying that there is too much
violence in the commercials. I have a 5 year old and 2 year old (both
just had birthdays). For them, I think it was too much. BUT let me say
this-the START of the commercial was not that bad. It was not really
my taste, and I thought it was just stupid. As far as I am concerned
they just should have cut the part where the leg is cut off. Then the
commercial would have been stupid, caught atention of people, but not
had the total violence for children. Really, IMO, this is no different
than the stupid Skittles commercial that I keep seeing. It starts all
funny with that stupid singing bunny rabbi-the trade for skittles for
the bunny-andthen the guy who has the bunny realizing that he is TIRED
of the singing bunny and wants his skittles. The commercial could have
(and SHOULD have) ended there, but then they actually end it with the
bunny bitting the man in the arm and running away. They are doing these
things for shock effect!! There was no need for the bite, just like
there was no need for teh leg to be cut off in this one! They just want
the commercial/product to stick in your mind. And good or bad, that is
what they are getting!!

That said-boycotting them over it seems silly to me. If you have a
problem with the commercial and want something done, I really think
they would be more open to listen if you use the VIOLENCE view on it,
and not the FERRET view. When they hear all the complaining that the
ferrets are being viewed in a bad light over it...I think they are
probably laughing. Tell them PARENTS of skin kids are ticked...and
you might get somewhere.

Just my 2 cents. Yes, we all have our opinions, but if it seems like
to get the commercial off the air, it might need to be approached in
a different way?


Stuff-A-Buddy Workshop

[Posted in FML 5617]