It is a strange emptiness I feel inside at the loss of our friends at
the Ferret Store. I remained a loyal supporter of their goods all these
years, purchasing almost everything from them to thank them for their
tremendous support of the ferret community. I wish Joe well, and thank
him for his years of dealing with our emotional outbursts over such
issues as the selling certain ferret treats. After all he had given
away to so many, I know that flair up hurt.

I thank the Ferret Store for filling the nitch of our needs when no one
else did. I will miss their concern and efforts to help our shelters.

As far as giving, much was written on the FML a short while ago about a
number of suffering ferrets in Michigan. The shelter needs funds for
their shelter all shelters do. This month there is a
raffle just for them. Please help them out with a donation, or enter
the raffle.

Alicia of Ferret Wise has some terrific ferret treats and shirts and
ferrety stuff. SIXTY FIVE dollars of cool ferret stuff for you to pick
out as part of this raffle.

Please look at HER shelter site and see what you might want to call
your very own. You can order directly from her also. There are two
sites to look at to see what loot you can pick out at the "_Ferret
Funalia_ <>"
online gift catalog or ,
the shelter's eBay store. $65. of stuff to figure out.
To see all the other truly gorgeous gifts for birthday presents, or
just because YOU deserve some pampering, go to...

Help out these shelters...just as The Ferret Store helped all these
many years. You might wish to do it in honor of them.

Good bye wonderful caring people of the Ferret Store. You helped to
make it possible for shelters to stay afloat with your gifts and
discounts. You sold items I could not get anywhere else near me. God
Bless you all. It will not be the same without you.


[Posted in FML 5596]