Dear Ferret and Dog Folks-

I have been having the same problem with my dog, the Noble Allis
Chompers for years, but I have finally gotten sick and tired of being
sick and tired and have decided to beg for help with it.

I *cannot* walk this girl on a leash. She walks *me*. Pulls me along,
leaving me disinclined to walk her, and thus leaving her life a poorer
place. And she needs the walking. She was hit by a car many years ago.
Her back leg and hip are held together with pins, and when she is
inactive for long periods of time I can see that she has increased pain
on cold, damp mornings. The exercise helps quite a bit, just as it
would a person in the same situation. I can't let her trot beside me
unleashed through my neighbourhood. She is a danger to toy dogs. She
hates them on the deepest level, ever since she was very young and a
Scotty attacked her, shredded her nose. She once killed a Yorkie that
walked into her territory. It is her one terrible weakness. And I
live among many retirees with tiny dogs. I can't risk it.

I have tried walking her with one of those collars with metal prongs
on it. She pulls less, but still enough that walking her is a case of
being taken for a drag.It is tiring, frustrating. I realize that the
problem is *mine*, I don't know how to negotiate with her. She is
playing alpha and I don't know how to take control properly.*I* am
alpha until the second we go for a leash walk. She is quite literally
"jerking me around." Yelling doesn't work for more than five seconds,
tugging at the collar, nothing. My husband whacks the leash hard
against her back, that works for him but A) I don't like that, and B)
again, it only works for me for five seconds. I refuse to try a
'choking' collar. The very thought disgusts me. What is it *I* need
to learn?

PLEASE ADVISE!!! Websites, personal advice, any help would be welcome.
She is very smart. She is a lab-border collie mix, about ten years
old. Beautifully behaved, save for the toy dog and leash issues.

Alexandra in MA

[Posted in FML 5595]