DOOK DOOK DOOK DOOK DOOK (Thank You One And All). God Bless all of you
who have sent condolences and loving words in regards to Baby Cakes
traveling to the Rainbow Bridge. All of you are truly God's Angels
in disguise, and we love each and every one of you for your Love and

On December 27, 2006, my Mother left this world peacefully, to be with
the Great Creator and my Dad, and knowing my parents the way I do, They
are now at the Rainbow Bridge playing with all the fur kids, for they
too love the creatures who have blessed our lives with their love, joy
and happiness of life.

Yes, I weep because I miss all of their physical presence, and even now
I sit here at the computer with tears running down my cheeks.

But, I am also rejoicing, because I know and believe that I will be
re-united with all the beloved fur-kids, and we will never again be
parted by death, sickness, nor any other calamity. We will all love
one another while in the presence of the Great Creator.

God Bless all of you with the Peace that comes from God, which no human
can truly comprehend, but does exist.

Rev. Ronald L. Sims, D.D. & Family (2 hooman-beans owned by 2 canines,
2 felines and all our beloved fur-kids at the Rainbow Bridge

[Posted in FML 5615]