Hi all dis is SaraFerret. What a beautiful day today is. Butterflies
are flying and ferrets are trying to catch dem. But all dat is
happening is dat de butterflies are landing on dere noses and den
takin off again. Its kinda funny--butterflies on ferrets noses if
you get my drift.

Oh my here comes my first crosser of de day. A darling little girl
ferret. She seems very determined and is trotting just a fast as her
four paws can take her. She trots right ups to me and introduces
herself. Hi, she says, I am Kelly and I was told I was to be met by
a bridge greeter, but you dont look like a bridge greeter, so could
you take me to a bridge greeter right away.

Well, Miss Kelly, I says, I am SaraFerret, and I is de Rainbow Bridge
greeter, and I know I dont look like much. But whatcha see is whatcha
get. Not everyone is perfect here, but no one has any pain or suffering
here unless they go out and do someting really dumb. So Miss Kelly, dis
is your new home, your forever home, where you will live from now on.
Do you have family here?

Well, she says, Mommy says I have some family, but she tells me dat I
should stay wit you for awhile until I gets used to de pwace. (I tinks
to myself- I have really gots to talk to some of dese humans about my
pwace being used as some sort of motel but since I am known as some
sort of softie and she seems sort of confused).

Well Kelly, I says, wouldnt you really rather stay with your family dat
you know and love.

Kelly replys, well I really dont know dem, as dey passed before me and
I didnt know dem all dat well. Dont you want me to stay wit you for a
few days until I gets acquainted better wit dem? (A few tears form in
Kelly's eyes and she grows very sad).

Oh dont cry, little one, I says, sure you can stay wit me for a short
time, dere isnt much room tho, as I have some of my business dere and
also some kits staying wit me. But if you dont mind hammies being
around and a few mousie angels running around my pwace, well you are
welcome to stay. She brightens up rights away.

Den I explains to her about de Bridge. And also I points out de Wings
and de Halo. She checks my wings out and is quite taken wit dem. So we
trots over to Kit and Kaboodle to pick up her set. And on de counter is
a long box marked Kelly. She opens de box and her mouth drops open and
she goes, wowsie! She holds dem up in her paws. Silver wings!

I asks her if she would likes to have help trying dem up and she
agrees. So on wit de wings and den de halo. She goes to de mirror and
gazes at her reflection and turns and looks at herself from each pose.
She has a kinda lopsided grin on her pretty face. VANITY-THY NAME IS

Okay after all dis is over, we goes out de door and head down to my
cottage as my bridge duties are over for de day. (I really need de
rest). I opens de door and kits are running all over de pwace. Where
did de all come from. Dese arent all mine. Did dey invite dere friends
and neighbors in? Okay, all dese extra kits dat dont belong to me, goes
on home, as we have company, head on out and pick on your tings on de
way out. Much hissing and grumbling as dey leave. My kits are hiding
behind a group of mousey angels.

Hey you kits, how many times have I told you to ask before you invite
others over--now we have company and look at dis pwace--kibble and
garbage everywhere. Instantly everyone cleans up everyting.

Kelly is amazed at de fast cleanup. So am I. I have never seen de kits
and de mousey angels do anyting so fast. But today must be someting
special. However, someting must be going on. All of a sudden, an
instant party appears. WELCOME KELLY! signs flash from de kits and
mousey angels run in wit de specials of cold pepsis and sweet iced
teas and crackers and squirt cheese and of course kibbles and fruits
for de traditional furries. Of course de darlings were planning a
welcome party, knowing she was shy and afraid.

She is absolutely stunned at de welcome. And so am I. However in my
heart, I know dat it is really just another day at de bridge. Just a
beautiful welcome for Kelly at de Bridge

Hugs and loveys SaraFerret

[Posted in FML 5614]