Dude was an Easter gift to me from a crazy and much loved co-worker of
mine back in the early 90's where we managed a record store together.
He had a happy face that was supposed to live forever. Finally, a
little cutie that seemed so indestructible. He would be with me
forever. Shortly after introducing ferrets to the household, I was
sure Dude was kept out of reach....out of reach to all but the furo
destructors Autumn and Boo.. It wasn't long before they sought him out
and attacked him, viciously removing his tail. Dude learned to live
without the tail,...after all, he still had that cute little face
and this house is, after all, the island of misfit toys. Yesterday I
checked on Dude to find that although I thought he was in the safest of
places, he was now missing that cute little smile, all the way up to
his chin...this was the last straw. He can't go on like this. The tail
was bad enough, but now his cute little smile too???!!! Surely
something could be done.

Reconstructive surgery has come a long way over the years. Oh the
pain of seeing my Dude with his smiling eyes, missing tail and now,
tragically an empty hole where his smiling face once was. I don't
know if plastic surgery is possible for a rubber ducky, but please,
all suggestions are welcome. (heee heee heeee......gotcha!)

Kimberly Fox 
Director/Rescue Mom 
Somethin Up My Sleeve Ferret Rescue 
Pay Pal accepted for donations at this email address. 

[Posted in FML 5612]