How many of us here on the fml have been touched by Petey's story, by
his antics, and of course his club. I always loved the stories posted
by or about him, and couldn't help but giggle anytime I recalled his
story of becoming Petey "TPO".  Poor Petey had endured (graciously I
might add) what many owners have mumbled, complained, or been annoyed
about - being pooped on. This little furball made us laugh about it
and join a club with our fuzzones to celebrate our poopiness (-:

Petey is a special soul, who Robin so kindly shared with us over the
years. I think most of us feel we know Petey, and feel the love he
spread to the ferret community. The loss of Petey, to Robin and those
who held him dear is enormous. But his legacy and his spirit will live

Please join me in making a final donation to the Petey TPO club in his
honor. If you've been touched by poop, or just by Petey's story and
life, please make a donation. The club donations will go to SOS in
their support of ferret shelters. Please let your love for Petey help
other ferrets, who will find their second chance and their own story,
just as Petey did.

Follow the link to read about Petey and make a donation in memory of
this beloved special ferret, Petey TPO


[Posted in FML 5610]