Today is a beautiful almost summer-like day at de entrance to de bridge
and I am basking in de warm sun just sorta brushing my bushy tail--hey
its de only bushy part of me, when all of a sudden, de little boy
courier runs up and drops a note on me and says, a ferret is crossing,
wakes up Ms SaraFerret. (Likes I am not right at de bridge entrance and
likes I cants see whosoevers is crossing--geesh--dats boy needs to gets
a life).

All of a sudden I sees dis light chocolate kinda cinnamon like ferret
kinda yawn before he crosses-he stretches a few times and then slowly
meanders acrosses de bridge. He just walks rights up to me and
introduces himself to me wit a big yawn, Hi I am Owen and who might
you be.

Well, I am SaraFerret, de bridge greeter and welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge and to your new life here.

Owen says, well my old life was ok, I had kids to play with and all
that. Can I just turn around and go back now.

I tells him, Fraid not, Owen, once you is here, you is here, Dis is it.

Den I tells him about de note and all de info dats in it. Apparently
his Mommy Stacey was super worried abouts de people dat adopts him.

Owen says, Oh really?

Yep, I says, according to de note, she's fraid, dat maybe dey hurt or
injured you and dats why you passed so quickly to de bridge; specially
since Dr K. said you were super ok right before you went to your new

Owen seemed rather surprised and looked over de note. He says nothing
bad happens dere, de kids and dere daddy was really good to me, altho
dey missed dere mommy as she was deployed to Iraq because of dat nasty
war dat some stupid guy in Washington set up--stupid guy--humans are
so dumb and get into such dumb tings--killing each other over stupid
tings. All dat happens was dat one night I just got sleepy and I just
went to sleep and when I wokes up I was here.

Well I knows dat Mommy Stacey will be happy to hears dat, I says, we
will be sure to go over to de misty pond to tell her soon. How as your
sis, Suki, before you left.

Owen says, Oh she was bouncy like a ferret lasts I saws her. Doing a
war dance as usual. Cwazy girl fewwet.

So after all dat, I asks him if he was ready to go get his wings.

He says wings? Wings?

Yes I says, Wings and even a Halo. How do you think we get around.

He looks at me, Oh yeah, you do have wings, doncha. So offs we trots
to Kit and Kaboodle.

No one is dere which is highly unusual. Dere is a box on de counter
marked Owen, but he opens it and he doesnt like de color. It just
doesnt match him. So we climb up de shelves. I am a bit too old for dis
game, but I do it anyway. Den out comes one of de other ferrets wit a
box--Owen rushes towards it. Somehow he knows dis is really his wings
and halo. He grabs de box and opens it. Yep, dis is definitely his
choice. Blue Wings With Corvettes On Dem. Dont Ask Me. Dese Boy Ferrets
are Cwazy. I helps him with Dem and gets his halo on him. De mirror
is set up and of course he has to go to it. He looks in de mirror and
falls instantly in love wit his reflection. VANITY-THY NAME IS FERRET!

His Friends are waiting outside for him. Jack, Allie and Romeo. They
yell SURPRIZE as we leave. But Owen is hesitant to join dem. He asks
me somewhat timidly if he can stay wit me for a few days until he gets
de hang of de place and den he will go stay wit his business.

EAR CHEWERS. Oh, he says, dat was just a comfort ting, I donts do dat
anymore. I would never tink of doing dat to you, Ms SaraFerret.

Ok, I says, de last ferret dat twied dat gots boxed on his head and his
EARS were ringing for monts. He kinda giggled at dat and den we both
kinda wardanced together.

Well even tho he wasnt going to stay wit his business right away a
party was still planned at his business' cottage and we headed dat way,
but we made a side trip to de misting pond. I swished de water around,
and all of a sudden he could see Mommy Stacey and she was surrounded by
water. He just couldnt understand what was going on. OOPS! I says, Must
be dose big floods in MO, Mommy Stacey has big flood in her house. And
all her ferret food and litter was ruined but she managed to rescue her
ferrets. Dat is why dose ferrets are in rowboats singing "Michael, Row
Your Boat Ashore, Hallelujah, and just dooking away".

Mommy Stacey sure
is cwying a lot, Owen says.

I tells him, I know she is, she is rather worried about you, Owen, as
the ferret litter and food can be replaced and de ferrets are ok, and
the clothing and carpet can be replaced, but she is also worried about
Suki. So why dont you throw her a few words.

So Owen wit his biggest dook speaks, Mommmy Stacey, and all of a
sudden, she looks up to see where de noise is coming from--maybe since
we are light years away--it will take her a while to hear it. Maybe
even tonite when she is asleep, she will hear his reassurances. Mommy
Stacey, Owen dooks, I was ok, I just went to sleep and Suki is fine
and dancing, I loves you.

And one day when Owen is off probation he will slip down a meteor
shower when Mommy is asleep and slip into her bedroom and leave a
ferrety kiss on her cheek and when she awakes she will feel the fuzzy
feeling and smell the ferrety smell of Owen and she will know dat he
has visited her during de nite.

Hugs and loveys from de bridge


[Posted in FML 5608]