Below is a post, permission granted to cross post.
[Rochester area]

Hi Brenda,

I have two ferrets that need a new home. They were rescued by my son
approximately 4 years ago. Their names are Bear and Bubba. Bear looks
just like a little brown bear, and she is a girly girl. Bubba is half
grey half brown. He was rescued from a shelter after Bear's original
playmate passed away. Poor Bubba was left in a cage all the time when
he was little. He is a total sweet heart. He loves to lie in your arms
and get his belly rubbed! Bear loves to explore and find places to
hide. They both are litter trained, and extremely well behaved.

When they lived with my son, they had the whole house to run around in.
When my son moved to NYC he couldn't take them with him, so his cousin
took them in. Then my sister became terminally ill with lung cancer.
They stayed with my niece and my sister up until about a month ago.
Then my niece moved in with my cousin, and my sister was moved to
hospice care. My sister passed away last week, and my niece is going
to live with my cousin for the next year at least. They live in an
apartment complex that doesn't allow pets.

I took the ferrets here with me. I am completely setup for "weekend
visits with Grandma". The only problem is I'm allergic to them, and
I have a dog. Poor little things are restricted to their playpen and
their cage. I let them run around the bathroom at night while I'm
getting ready for bed. We try to give them as much attention as we
can, but we can't let them get too excited because that gets the dog
excited as well.

I have lots of toys, cages, bowls, etc. I just want to find them a
loving forever home. We had other offers, but they were from college
kids that may or may not give them the attention they need and deserve.
I want to make sure my "grandchildren" go to a good loving home.

Can you please help me find suitable parents?

Lisa Thomas

[Posted in FML 5604]