On May 8, 2007, VIBLEL wrote:
>Here is a letter from Penny Hendrix, President of the AFA, to YouTube.
> ... get these videos removed immediately! These are very sick videos.
>I myself could not even watch. The ferret is literally beaten to death
>by hand. Absolutely Sickening!

I'd like to point out that the original sick video HAS already been
removed; what remains are the news stories about the perp being
arrested. Because they ARE news stories, they have excerpts from the
video, but the TV station has cut the worst and obscured the video
(what remains is still pretty awful). (If you watch any of them, I
would recommend turning off the sound. I have never heard a ferret
scream before. The Japanese TV station obsured the video, but not
the audio, and I am sure I will have nightmares).

However, it was BECAUSE this sicko posted the video of his abuse on
you-tube that he was caught. If he hadn't done that, no one would ever
have known what he did, and they certainly could not have obtained a
conviction. He convicted himself.


[Posted in FML 5603]