Whenever I see a video like this on YouTube, I flag it as
inappropriate. It doesn't get it off the website, unfortunately, but
at least it makes it slightly more dificult to access for the morbidly

Personally, just watching the *beginning* of this video make me sick to
my stomach. I couldn't watch any further than the first few seconds.
Why anyone considers this "entertainment" is beyond me.

And yes, animal abuse *is* a gateway to violent crimes against humans.
Consider Jeffery Dahmer. An acquaintance of mine was his 9th grade
English teacher. The stories I've heard about the stuff he did as a
kid would make your blood boil.

I agree - we should flood YouTube w/ letters demanding stricter
guidelines about what should & shouldn't be allowed to be shown. I
don't post videos, so I don't know what the process is for doing so. If
submitted videos are not being screened by someone before being allowed
on the website, they *should* be, & offensive & violent videos should
not be allowed. YouTube has gotten so popular that something like this
has been a situation just waiting to happen. It's time to stop it.

Thank you. My email's going out right now.

Lin, Oberon, Max, Puck, & Ivan
~ Missing my angel Ariel - 20 April 2000 - 20 January 2007. Wait for
me, my Baby Girl. I miss you so much. ~

email me at: kay tee en eye el at double-u owe aich dot ar ar dot see
owe em

[Posted in FML 5603]