Today is a beautiful sunshiny day as usual at de Bridge. I is sunning
myself waiting for de next ferret to cross when de little boy courier
drops his little note on my nose. Wakes up SaraFerret, he squeaks, you
has someone comings. I opens one eye and just say oks, I am getting
right up. I dont evens tink one smart unangelic reply. Today I is
totally laid back.

Sure enough I see dis beautiful dark sable doing flips across de
bridge--oops--she almost missed dat last one (we had one dat flew off
and we had to fly and rescue her)--but no dis one made it across. She
arrives and introduces herself to me, saying Hi I am Oracle, I belonged
to Mommy Sara, who might you be.

Well I am SaraFerret, bridge greeter and welcome to your new home. I
understand you had lymphoma. I had dat too. De drs keeps me alives
for 2 yrs but...

Den Oracle says, Uh, Hmmm, if you are supposed to be perfect and
everything in the bridge how come your fur is not quite right.

I replies, Its a long story, Oracle, de Boss says its to keep me from
being too prideful, but He promises me a new fur in a short time, so
I'll just wait.

Oracle says ok, just asking, sorry didnt mean to be so personal.

I says, its ok, just feel free to ask any questions of me you wish,
dats what I am here for.

Oracle's secret backpack was full however and she was afraid to unload
it, when I asks her whats was in it. I tells her dat unlike humans we
can take it wit us. Anyting you can get in dere, you can bring wit you.
Out pops a rubber naked mole rat wit a cowboy hat. "yipes" I says. She
picks it ups in her mouth and holds it proudly and says (somehow even
with her mouth full) all mine, all mine.

Okay its time to get you set up with your wings and halo.

Wings and halo, she asks?

Yes I says, just like mine.

She brushes my wings wit her soft paws and admires dem. So off we goes
to Kit and Kaboodle to pick out her wings. Dere is a big crowd hanging
around dere, but she doesnt yet see anyone she knows. So we goes inside
and dere on de counter is a big box marked "Oracle". I tells her, Now
if you dont likes dese, you can take your pick from any of de others
any place else on de shelf or we can have de kits run up a special
design real quickies like or rather a day or two ( you might have to
make use of a temporary wing pair until dey get your special pair), but
you just take your time.

Needless to say, Oracle goes over to de box and looks in (have you ever
seen a ferret resist de temptation to open a box). Dere dey are--de
bluest blue--de blue of de bluest sky wit de cirrus clouds running tru
dem. Oracle just looks at dem and den begin a little dance of joy and
goes back to de box. I asks her, I take it you are pleased wit de
choice of wings den. Oracle says, Of course, but I think I will need a
bit of help getting them on.

Okay, we get the wings on, and of course, she looks drop-dead gorgeous
in dose wings. She trots over to de mirror. What ferret can resist a
mirror. She looks at her reflection and preens and twirls around.
VANITY--THY NAME IS FERRET! Okays I tells her, its time to leave and
find a place for you to stay.

As we open de door. SURPRISE! Dere is Gizmo, Rocky, Carlos, Lola,
Christopher, Biggie Paws, waiting to greet her. Hugs and kisses are
passed around. I offers de tour but it is declined. Dey even have
arranged for a place for her to stay. I give her a soft new blue
hammock to match her wings. Den she surprises and hugs me and says,
you are an amazing angel SaraFerret. Thank you, I says, but I am just
doing my job. I am invited to dere party, but alas bridge duty calls
and I must be off. But I will be seeing dem around.

Oh and Mommy Sara, Oracle sends love and hugs to you also

Loveys and dooks from de Rainbow Bridge

[Posted in FML 5602]