May 2007 News

Possum NEW Senior Reporter

Ziggy Reporter of a higher order

Andy watching from Rainbow Bridge

Possum here: so mum; just cause I told you I did not want a cub
reporter does not mean you had to send Ernie away.

Mum Here: Possum, I did not send Ernie away, Ernie got very very sick,
do you remember him telling you he did not feel good last month? Well
he went to Rainbow Bridge on 04-17-07 with your Andy pants, Ziggy, Mr.
Bones and Master Largo.

Possum here: No mum! I did not want him to go away like that! That
means he is not ever going to come back to help me with the news!!!
That is not what I wanted mum!

Mum Here: I know Possum that is why I am constantly telling you to be
nice, because one day the one you are not nice to, will not be here to
say you are sorry to. So now get on with the news, we will see if we
will need a cub reporter this month.

Possum Here: I need to make a correction for last months news, Miss
Anna A. was helping to educate the new people too when we had that
house full, sorry miss Anna for forgetting you. Miss Nichole was here
that same day helping to move us kids from one play room to another,
while mum was busy, Miss Nichole sorry I missed you too.

Miss Mary, Miss Joy came to visit their far away kids and brought us
new stuffs, things for mum too.

Cathy R. met mum in Lima to take the Ernie kid to our favorite Doc,
I guess he was really really sick. Miss Donna D. brought him home so
mum could keep him comfortable.

Winkin Blinkin and Nodd were here for camp, they was here a long time,
mum sure did have fun taking care of them. Miss Donna D. kept the
shelter up while mum was busy with the three girls, their mom and dad
the day they dropped them off. Phew we sure are lucky to have sooo many
great shelter friends to help our mum. Thanks Miss Donna D. We like
it when you come cause you plays with us and laughs and laughs at what
we do.

Miss Cathy R took Kalie, Peanut, and Louie up to see our favorite doc,
they all needed surgery. Miss Stephanie, Mr. Tom met mum in Avon to
deliver them back to mum on Friday. Miss Cathy D and Miss Stacie came
over to help mum get more of the living room done, they painted, moved
furniture and mum glued more floor. Oh oh Miss Tinker got herself into
some trouble, almost REAL trouble! Take a look at this;

You know how mum has been getting the new living room floor down? 1/2
of the living room is covered in new sub floor and some new tile. Mum
is slowly getting it glued down. The other 1/2 of the room is still
covered in carpet until mum can move all the stuff from that side of
the room to the finished side. Anyway mum was answering email one
morning before work, Tinker was up in the living room with mum running
around and chasing mum's feet, she knows better too!!! After a while
mum heard this scratching sound on carpet, she did not think too much
of it at first, then all of a sudden it hit her that she should go
see what Tinker was up to! Mum walks quietly to follow the sound of
digging. Mum walked to the edge of the carpet out in the hall way; at
the door of the living room, she standed there a minute. Mum could hear
the scratching on the carpet very clearly, UNDER the carpet just in
front of her feet. Mum lifted the carpet up and there is this little
face looking up at her in a hole in the floor between the floor boards.
MUM was so scared! Our house is over 100 yrs old so mum knew there were
places that go from the top floor to the basement with no stopping.
Mum's HEART STOPPED! Mum bent down to pull Tinker out of there, now
Tinker thinks mum is playing a game! Tinker backs up and decides she is
not coming out of there. Mum's heart sank. Mum backs up, Tinker sticks
her head out a bit, mum grabbed her by the neck gently but firmly to
get her out of there. Mum called her a little Sh%$$%. Mum won't let me
use them words so I made little signs so you know what she said!!! Mum
is bad to talk like that! Needless to say mum put the barrier up at the
top of the stairs kicking all the fur kids out of the up stairs until
she could get the floor fixed. Mum called Trevor, a nice man that helps
mum fix things she can not fix, said I need you here ASAP the kids can
get between the floors. Trevor was here before she got back from
taking Ernie up to meet up with Cathy R. Trevor has the floor repaired
properly; mum would not have been able to fix it that way. Now NO kid
can get in there again.. PHEW what a scary thing to have happen first
thing in the morning.

Don't forget the Ferret Only Clinic June 2nd 2007, it is right around
the corner. If you want a registration form let mum know she will get
one out to you. We are going to have Jason, Winkin, Blinkin and Nodd
here giving juggling lessons, cost is 5.00 for 45 min. All proceeds
are going to ME Possum here at the Lakeroad Ferret Farm.

Mum Here: No Possum proceeds are not going to you they are going to all
of the shelter kids. Jason says it is going to be a fun time!!!! Miss
Mary and Miss Joy are going to run the auction for us on clinic day
too. Just like the one we had at the Christmas party!! Clinic day is
going to be one fun filled day.. Come join us. Hots and drinks provided
bring a dish to pass please.

Possum Here: Thanks to all who shopped though IGive, mum got a check
from them for $32.71. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Raphie thanks
for sending me your picture, I love you! Mum hosted the club meeting
here again last month, Miss Stephanie, Miss Kristie, Mr. Jeff, Miss
Erin, Miss Nicky were here then we had a new member come too Miss Sue
K. They got lots talked about; we kids got lots of hugs, kisses and
play time with them. We like the meeting here because the members
come play with us.

Mum and some of the club members went to see Jason's show

Miss Susann T. Nicky and Rachel, Stephanie and mum all went to see TWO.
Susann kept saying she had never heard mum laugh as much as she did
that day. It was a great show, it was a great time! Thanks Mr. Jason
for being a great showman. Miss Kristie stayed at the shelter to take
care of us kids while mum was off with the girls. Okay enough news.
Time is getting short. Our Clinic is June 2, please come. The IFC
Symposium is June 22-24 2007 get your registrations in, deadline is
June 1st.

Until Next month;
Senior reporter Possum

Andy: watching from Rainbow Bridge

Our Shopping Mall

International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator

Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue Shelter

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