At 3:01 today my feet got planted in West Virginia soil!! Even my skin
is breathing better. Tim did just fine towing the jeep behind us. It
only took us 11 days, but there were 3 days off road just resting up.
The ferrets have pooped in so many states their little feet should have
tatooes. They are doing well in their triple marshalls playpens, and
with Rose's big playmats. Rose those mats saved cold little feet some
nights. I think I should get them little t-shirts with "We survived
tornado alley" on them. We dodged some really awful storms in Oklahoma.
Sara (the cat) had her fill last night and Tim had to resort to that
dreaded thing.............the cat leash (think big organ music)!!!!!!
Sara left her opinions in every state we went through and she is NOT
welcome back.

Now guess where we are? We are right on a campsite within the Harpers
Ferry Battlefield park. They have monthly rentals here...go figure.
Gives new meaning to the adage of "marriage....battlefields...." we
had to laugh. This is a lovely leafy trees...
green...a grass...I could go on and on.

While we're here in the park I'll have email, but if we move to a
friend's house for a bit I may not have it for awhile. I happened
across the latest Vanity Fair issue (June 2007). James Wolcott has
a nifty little blog that is on Ferrets. Cute read.


Warmly ~
Mary Conley

[Posted in FML 5598]