With as much crap as we buy from stores, I feel it's absolutely
necessary to comment when I purchase a ferret-related item that ROCKS!

Such is the case with Ti's Cocktail, made by Sally. It is Item
#180096059886 on E-bay. I got it last week, and it blew me away. Sally
is quite the artist. See here for a picture and description of this


It is like no other ferret art I've seen before, I can't wait to hang
it on my wall. It totally exemplifies some of my female ferrets'
attitudes, and how I would imagine they'd look if they were people (and
wore cocktail dresses). Plus it's just so darn cute. And colorful! It
is a tribute to one of her ferrets that went through a pretty rough
time, so that makes it all the more special for me.

I also commented some time ago about Robin's crochet octopus eggs,
which I am still LOVING. They are awesome. They are well-sealed, don't
break or crack easily (like many that I've purchased), and make a
lovely shake-y sound. My ferros love the legs, as they can play
tug-of-war (as if there isn't enough to share---they MUST all have
the same one). They also smell UNBELIEVABLY GOOD. I just got a few more
from Robin and I almost don't want to give them to the fuzzies...
they'll stink 'em up again! But I so love to hear the "cronsche
cronsche" of Moe's teeth against the egg under the couch while I am
watching TV. Once again, here's the listing for those:


They make great Easter presents!

Just like to give credit where credit is due!

Jennifer Kovacsi 
and the excellent eight (with a ninth temporary resident)

[Posted in FML 5567]