The Winchester Weezils home is sad once again, they had to say goodbye
to their beloved Dodger.

Dodger knew all about the Rainbow Bridge before she arrived, Dave and
Sue made sure she understood that making the journey to The Bridge is
painless and that when you get here, all your pain and suffering is

Dodger was a bit reluctant to come all the way across the Bridge when
she arrived. I had to coax her a bit, I told her my name and affirmed
that she was indeed at The Rainbow Bridge and she had friends here who
were waiting for her. As she cautiously approached me she said, in a
quiet little voice, "I don't think I want to be here."

I smiled as I walked towards her and said, "It's okay Dodger. Many
ferrets are a bit reluctant to cross over, it can be scary because we
don't know where we are or what we are supposed to do. It's okay to
be nervous, even a little bit afraid....but that is why I am here."

Dodger looked up at me, I noticed her eyes were much brighter, not
cloudy and tired. Her coat was growing back in and she wasn't hunched
over as she had been just a few minutes before. I asked her, "How do
you feel Dodger?"

She stopped for a moment, looking pensive, then she said "Actually, I
feel great! It's been a long time since I've felt this good."

"If it helps, you look great too!!" I said, smiling down at her.

"Dodger, your good friends Spirit and Angie are waiting for you in The
Meadows. Would you like me to take you to them?"

She smiled up at me and said, "I'd like that a lot Mister Pete."

I offered Dodger my large paw, which she nervously accepted and we
left the Bridge and headed towards The Meadows.

As we walked I told Dodger about all the wonderful things she could do
up here. Like snorkeling at the Falls, teaching kits how to swim,
chasing flutterbies, picking wildflowers, playing with friends, and
learning new things at the many classes taught at The Community Center.

She asked me what kind of I explained that she could
learn how to paint, make origami 'thingies' and macrame plant holders,
create pottery, learn how to crochet or sew, there were numerous
crafting classes available all the time, all she had to do was sign up.

We were approaching The Meadows and Dodger saw a small lizard perched
on a palm frond. She stopped to watch it for a moment and she smiled
saying, "I feel much better about being here now." she sighed.

"Oh my heavens!! It's Angie and Miss Spirit!! They really and truly are
here!" Dodger exclaimed excitedly.

She ran into the middle of the field of beautiful new spring grass and
smelled it's sweetness. She dove into it and rolled all the way over to
where Angie and Spirit were chasing flutterbies. When they saw Dodger
they dove into the tall grass too. Rolling and frolicking and laughing!
It was a joy to watch them having so much fun!

I wondered if I should continue the tour or just leave Dodger with her
best girlie fert friends and save the tour for another day. As they
danced and hugged one another, I decided to save the tour for another
time. I shouted my goodbyes to them, making sure that Angie and Spirit
would take Dodger home with them and make her comfortable. They
promised me that they would.

I set the bag with the 'Tone and treats on the ground. Making sure the
girls knew the bag was there.

Thinking to myself how thoughtful of Dave and Sue that even in their
sorrow they thought to send some comforting gifts from home.

I left and went to find SaraFerret to let her know Dodger would need a
pair of sparkly blue wings and a shiny, sparkly halo to match.

And then I think I might take a nap. I just put up my garden hammock
and I couldn't get it out of my mind, it is so comfortable and
inviting...just the thought of it makes me feel drowsy and dreamy.

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