Dear Ferret Folks-

My sister paints. Compulsively. Ever since she was a little girl, she
has had paint on her clothes. Well, she kept telling me that she had a
new gallery website, and I should check it out. I sighed deeply....I
spent so many years up to my hips in my sister's canvases that I
honestly couldn't TELL you if she is any good or not. Mostly I looked
at her canvases as obstacles to get around or over, like dressage.
There would be a pile there, a heap here.

Last night I finally clicked her site and who did I find but MY FERRET?
Immortalized in acrylic? When did Ping is He fly the tractor over to
her house and pose for a portrait? He certainly didn't say anything to
me about it and neither did she, that slyboots. Here is what she wrote
under his portrait:

>       Artist's Comments
> This is a portrait of one of my sister's ferrets, Ping.
> Ping is the one that doesn't bite. My orange tree shows up again.
> Ping's hiding in a trash bucket.

Bottom row, right hand side to see a thumbnail. Click it to see a
bigger picture. Yes, that's Ping all right. And that's a trash can he's
in? OK. How did she get him to stay still long enough for that? That
boy *gets around.* Where else is he lurking?

Alexandra in Ma

[Posted in FML 5592]