>Hey Hey Hey  ::::slapping paw up for a high 5::::  way to go Indy!
>I love poofin Mom, her face gets all funny. Keep up the good work.
>Petey TPO

What is so bad about a ferret poofing? I have had one lil girl who
poofed and Well I liked the smell OK? She was a Jill when I got her and
when she came into season, (It surprised me I'll tell ya..LOL) I took
her to our vet and had her spaded. My vet asked me if I wanted her
dissented at the same time. I told her no that is un-necessary surgery
and to leave the "poofer" in. she did and yes Suzi did poof from time
to time but like I said I kinda like the smell so it wasn't any big
deal to me. Hey gang, one time when I visited my friend in Virginia
at the Ferret Rescue of Tidewater, she was boarding a hob who was in
season. I went out to the ferret room and I rubbed this big boy all
over my Tee Shirt. I went back into the house and my wife and my friend
all looked at me and asked.."What have you been rolling in" ..LOL. Yes
is has a musky odor but hey why do ya think some men like Musky after
shave?? It has a manly odor about it...(well ok yes so do old Gym socks
but hey I won't rub them on a tee shirt for sure!!).

I had to check in with this one but those of you who know me know I am
a bit out there especially when it comes to them weasels....

My house is slowly getting back together. I have lost four ferrets in
the last 9 weeks or so. Three of them were oldsters over 9 years each
but Koda (yes I lost my lively lil sable boy) came ill and I took him
in and during an exploratory surgery my vet found Lymphoma thru his
whole visceral mass. I decided to let him go under anesthesia as not
to prolong a nasty death. I lost Freda to old age and cancer. I lost
Throttle to adrenal complications even tho he had a Lupron shot and
was regrowing him hair. I lost Clutch 3 weeks to the day his Brudder
Throttle died. He had a tumor removed form his penis last November
and was doing real good but after Throttle died he went downhill very
quickly. He also had Insulinoma and I had to feed him soup every three
to four hours. I think when Throttle left, he just lost interest. I now
have four fuzzies. Two youngsters and two older but not yet 5 years
old. Hopefully I won't loose any more for awhile but then I still do
have a Rescue so that can change at any time.

We all are on this list due to an undying love for a weasel called a

I don't even try to understand it anymore, I just except it for what
it is. an addiction that I hope does not have a cure. If it has one
do not tell me about it OK? I love this addiction and don't need a

Best to all and HEY stay Fuzzy out there.....

Fred Hurd
Reno Ferret Rescue

[Posted in FML 5591]