Well it has been four months since Bebe came into my life. She still
bites hard and is a VERY hyperactive ferret. I have not ever seen a
ferret act like she does.

Tonight - like most nights she has been running up and down and up and
down in her cage chewing on everything, throwing everything around,
hyper hyper. She has chewed EVERYTHING. Hammies, sleep sacks, etc.
Cannot have crocheted eggs as she chews the covers right off! She has
every chew toy I know about and it doesn't seem to help. I have tried
EVERY hint given to me....bitter apple, stroking down, treats, etc.
Nothing has worked.

My other ferret, Tippi, is really missing her cagemates that passed
over the last year. I have tried to integrate Bebe and Tippi. In the
ferret playroom they immediately get into a serious fight then they
both go to a safe spot and that is where they stay = one hour or six -
they come out to poop in the backin up box but go right back to their
safe spot. The play room - where many fuzzies used to dook and dance
and play is like a prison for them--unless it is only one ferret at a
time. They both still live in their own four level cages - separately.
I haven't dared to try to put them in the same cage.

Any suggestions? Any thing would be welcome.

Right now it seems like I need to get a new buddy for Tippi and some
Valium or something for Bebe.

Things are not too happy right now in our household - is there anything
else I can try?

Linda Z.

[Posted in FML 5591]