Moxie & Nexus - I have floor heat vents in every room in the house (2
in the living room.) I have had 6 ferrets total since 1999 (3 now) and
for the most part they all pretty much ignore the vents. When my little
baby Tino (who is now at the bridge) first came home he was a 7 week
old kit & he loved it when the heat was coming up out of the vent. He
was just about the same size/length as the vent, and he would stand on
top of it, lower his belly to the floor/vent & then rub himself back &
forth over it! I always worried that he would burn his little furry
belly, but it never seemed to bother him, he loved it!! It was quite
the cute site to behold.

Just make sure you don't forget to screw ALL the vents to the floor
carefully. Once the vent cover under the couch in the living room was
not screwed down (unbeknownst to me!) and Blitz kept ending up in my
bedroom every day (where the door is ALWAYS closed to prevent entry to
the non-ferret-proofed hoomins only room) and I could not figure out
HOW for the life of me. After a couple weeks I happened to catch him at
just the right time emerging FROM the vent in the bedroom!! Scared the
heck outta me cuz I was worried he'd come up inside the furnace instead
of the bedroom one time! Thankfully that never happened, both vent
covers were screwed down & no further incidents have happened.

Good luck & enjoy your babies!

Jacci & the Psycho Circus
Kira the Wonder Fert, Danny Phantom & Shakespeare the Courageous & the
2nd class citizens
aka the cats: Tigger, Angel & Ace

[Posted in FML 5588]