hello, everyone...

first...as usual...thank you ALL so much for your participation and

we raised $742.00 for Randy, Ferret Aid Society, and SOS's
General Fund!!!!!!

here are the winning numbers....

1027......Kat's Sleepsacks...................Joy Collier
2002......Foamy Fries 'n' Frames.............James Vanderbeck
3001......Denim Shirt & Tote..................Katie Carr
4016......Cage & Bedding Set..................Rebecca Poland
5039......Sweatshirt Jacket...................Laraine Bennett
6012......Tote................................Rose German
7001......Sticker Maker.......................Katie Carr
8012......2 Green-Eyed Cats...................Princess Pepper
9001......3 Blue-Eyed Cats....................Katie Carr
10000.....2 Cats w/Flowers....................Katie Carr
11025.....The Ferret Store Package............Lee Julian
12063.....Slippy Pads.........................Noelle Bartholomew
13079.....Ferret Aid Symposium DVD's..........Lee Wilson
14141.....Rose German's Bedding...............Lee Julian
15087.....Fire Sacks..........................Melanee Ellis

an announcement...I had planned to start the next SOS Raffle in about a
month.,..but i still do not have internet of my own...and at the cost
to install it...it will not be any time soon...so as soon as i can get
internet [tommy JUST got a job and started working] i will announce the
next raffle...it is just too hard to do it properly when all the info i
need is on MY computer and i have to use my sister's to do anything...

i hope this is not a problem for anyone...if it is...i am so sorry!!!!

CONGRATS to all the winners...and i SO wish everyone could have won
something!!!...you are all the best in my eyes!!!!


P.S....i do not have mailing addresses for some of the winners...so i
will send you an e-mail asking you again for your mailing address...so
i can send it to the person who is to send you your prize package...

[Posted in FML 5565]