"No person shall have, keep, or maintain any wild, exotic, dangerous or
non-domestic animal without first applying to and receiving a license..
The keeping and maintenance of such animals shall also conform to the
zoning regulations of Orange County" (OCCO 4-1-94). Please note that
there are many laws, licenses and permits required to own an exotic
animal. In addition to County ordinances, individual city zoning codes
will also pertain to permits on exotic pets. You must check all
requirements and regulations in your area prior to purchasing and
maintaining an exotic pet. Ferrets are illegal to own in the State of

-- Orange County, California


There you go. Sorry to disappoint anyone. It is safe for your ferret
and yourself, if you do the research online PRIOR to contacting any
government agency who may decide to step in and remove your pet due
to any misinformation you may have received. Remember that a law is
a law, no matter how frivolous, and the laws will remain enforced.

The World Wide Web provides many decent resources - government sites
included - that can help you make an educated decision in times of
moving, legality issues and other such life events. Start with a
search on <http://www.google.com/> and see where it leads you.

Thinking of the animals,

Brandi L. Pierce
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Pink Ferret Online Resource
P.O. Box 2134
Renton, WA 98056

425.988.3361 voice
425.988.3361 fax


[Posted in FML 5585]