ME!ME!ME! :: jumping up and down and waving hand wildly in the air ::

anneinchicago wrote:
>> Colburns wrote:
>>The black plastic tubes that run along the Living Room cieling are
>>an outstanding feature for climbing and running at all hours of the
>>day and night, <snip>
>And just how are the tubes attached to the ceiling? I've been thinking
>about this (Yes, all ferret owners are crazy) but have not been able
>to figure out how to do this. And how do Ping & Puma get up there?

Er, hmmm... These tubes are suspended in air in a manner similar to the
Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. I know for a FACT that Switch the
Kit and Lilly took the tractor out there shortly after they learned
that they would be moving to the Otter Creek wilderness. France, the
frickin' pygmy hedgehog went with them, hissing all the way. And, small
as her pea brain is, she was smart enough to realize that if the smelly
little theives had their OWN suspension bridge, it might prevent them
from using her as a roadway. (CAVEAT: See recent FML post regarding
the wood stove.)

Sooooooooooooooo, in the cover of a warm dark night, she snuck up to
the hoomin's ear and hissed, "Eeet is time to build a breedge. You do
not neeed the greeeeen thingeees hanging from the ceiling. Non, mes
amies, puut them on the floor so that the smelly thieves can get een
trouble, when they deeg theme up - hee hee hee. Use the hooks to hang
the fursteeks from - and they will bother me no more!"

Well, the silly she-hoomin has an overactive imagination - even on
drugs - and SHE thought France wanted her to use the hanging plant
hooks to hold the "bridge" to the ceitling. So she told the he-hoomin,
who knows how to take Alex' silly ideas and create a work of art. And,
he-man that he is, way-too-accommodating ferret dad Dan, used supports
(really, silk ties are NOT necessary - those plastic wire ties will do)
to suspend them from strategically placed plant hangers (or cup hooks
or bicycle hooks) in the ceiling.

Ping and Puma OWN the house, as Alexandra pointed out, so DUH! they
had way-too-accomodating ferret Dad Dan connect them to the jail
way-too-funny ferret Mom Alex confines them to at night. France is NOT
happy and consoles herself ly watching Ping richochette across the top
of the wood stove ("I TOLD you eet was hot, you furpeeg!")  Ping told
me the last time I was there that he is trying to find a way to get
way-too-accomodating ferret Dad Dan to create an opening over the fish
so he can swim whenever he takes a notion. Puma is simply eying my
other nostril (did someone see John Cleese?). <sigh>

So, AnneinChicago, I hope that helped clear matters up a tad bit.

renee :) :: saunters off awkwardly, denasally muttering, "I've got a
ferret hanging off my nose..." ::

It's amazing how much can be accomplished if nobody cares who gets the
Ferret Emergency Response, Rescue & Evacuation Team (F.E.R.R.E.T.)
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International Ferret Congress
American Red Cross

[Posted in FML 5582]