Had someone win my "sparkle sky" bedding set from ebay. Anyway, as soon
as they won it, they saw my larger 9pc set and asked if they could buy
that one. Well, this is a LONG story, but I offered a second chance
offer to hte next in line, then the people said no, tehy still wanted
the sparkle set. So I pulled the second change offer. and then they
decided tehy only wanted the one set. and now I cannot make that offer
again. (I had no idea that would happen! LOL)

So this set is up again. The fabric has been VERY popular-it is
BEAUTIFUL! In fact I just put my set in the cage this week that is made
from the same material and we have a couple of VERY happy ferrets! LOL


Mandy Warner
Stuff-A-Buddy Workshop  Book your party TODAY!!

[Posted in FML 5579]