My ferrets all get a gravy I make with cooked chicken, and their
kibbles twice a day. Several times a day for ill, old ferrets when
necessary. Any meds that can be with food are added in.

For the ones needing syringe or spoon feeding, I water down the gravy
and add Carnivore Care.

They also have kibble at all times. The kibble mix is usually 3
different ones.

Totally Ferret

The Marshall kibble is always in the mix because my ferrets come out
the county animal shelter eating this food. I also don't think it is
a *bad* food. I've heard some folks say it causes smelly poops, but I
don't notice that it does.

They also are free to *steal* the cats food if they wish. That mix is
Felidae, EVO and Natural Balance.

My ferret Mz Bizzy especially likes the kitty's food mix.


[Posted in FML 5578]