Hi all,

Like all of us I am researching and trying to make rational decisions
in the face of this pet food recall. Does anyone know if wheat flour
or corn gluten is in any way related to the "deadly" wheat gluten?

Also, I use N-BONE Ferret Chew Treats, so far seemingly safely. But
in reading all food ingredients to check what I am giving my fuzzies
I found this item does contain wheat gluten. I went to the website
<http://www.n-bone.com/> to look for answers. No postings or info I
could find on the wheat gluten or where it came from. BUT I was alarmed
to find that this company mainly uses Chinese herbs and seemingly
products; with the wheat gluten in the recall being from China I was
alarmed and have suspended giving this treat until it is cleared up.
Does anyone know anything about this product and it's safety? Please
let us all know. Just visit the website and see the Chinese products in
use and see if you can find anything to ease my mind, please. I have no
way of knowing if the gluten came from China but read of strong Chinese
herbal, etc. connections and use in their products. Any input would be
greatly appreciated. As you all know, with ferrets we can't just
"switch" foods easily.

Thank you,
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[Posted in FML 5565]