Hi Friends,

It's me Blossom, That Gorgeous gal with the dark shining eyes!

I AM still the prettiest gal at Ferret Wise even IF they brought in a
young contender! There is a new gal here her name is Destiny. She was
returned to a MA pet shop only 2 weeks after purchase. She was angry
and the store put her in the back room which made her madder still. She
went to another shelter and then here boy- o boy by the time she got
here she was RED! Mom has been working with her and she has good days
then some not so good days but all in all she is an okay gal. I get to
play with her sometimes.

Our old boy Nestle is getting around but his eyesight is certainly not
what it used to be. the new gal was teasing him for a week running by
him and butting him then he would get lost looking for her. Boy was she
surprised when he switched and put his nose to work he not only caught
her but give her a nip on the ear... Momma says that will take a few
days to get Destiny back into trust mode-- but it taught her a good

Golly! She must have a big ferret head to take on the onery-est ferret
ever was!

In other news Our old boy Lucky FerretWise at St Gregory's hospice
passed away last week and so did Biscuit here -- so many of our faces
seem to disappear these days. I hope they is having one BIG party at
Rainbow Bridge! HEY! Maybe they can help get us some warm Spring
weather form where they are.. the fuel oil money is gone and Momma
hears tell that we have a snowstorm on the way again! Oh Lordy.. it
is fun dancing in the white stuff but we were 'specting some Spring
flowers by now!

Barn-y continues to do pretty good here on most days he has more energy
than Koda/Elric which Momma says smells like burnt popcorn- a bad
perfume. So she is upping the melatonin in his soup! The phone has been
ringing a lot lately but Momma said it is good rings more shelter folks
asking for information instead of ferrets needing a place to go. She is
still working with a family who bought a sick ferret form a pet store
and is trying to get it well. It had five nasty bacterial infections
which are draining though it's eye... OH mY! Over Easter she got a call
about a tiny & sick ferret in another NH pet shop so she directed the
folks who saw it to the state vet and we here the state vet had an
agent drop in to the store the firs thing this week.

Shelter Dad quietly got a year older this week. Momma took him out for
a  dinner ( so she did not have to wash dishes!).

The Keene Ferret Meetup is just a few days ahead (Sat April 21 at 3PM)
we hope that you can make it to the meeting! Momma is hoping it will
be warmer that day! If you haven't signed up for the Meetup you can at

The folks will have the last 2 Ferrets Magazine Issues March / April &
May /June for anyone who has not subscribed yet! They also will have
some Superior Choice ferret food for those who reserve it before the

Remember - bring a guest & get a gift when you attend!

Well- MOmma has a very special item on ebay- A Sterling Silver rabbit
ring that was donated by a special annonymous friend to help us out-
please check it and our other itmes out!

CHEWEASEL and FOAMY FRIES TReats 4 Ferret Wise




2 FLAT HAMMOCK S  4 Ferret WIse


Here's hoping that the warm weather finds us all real soon. Momma was
sad until her friend in TX called her to tell her they got SNOW for
Easter! Can you just imagine! Brrrr....

Take care I need to get ready to help with the next newsletter--

Your friend Blossom, the beautiful spokesferret!

[Posted in FML 5575]