>>Remember, "Dead Socks Tell No Tales!"

>Ha Ha Ha HA ::::::slapping knee with paw:::::::: laughing until
>ferretone comes out my nose!!! Dat is the funniest thing I eber heard.
>Petey TPO

Petey, you think that's funny? Try Super Tonks gettin' married to Miss
Isabella Gucci! Yep, I heard a rumor goin' around Daisy Daycare that ST
is gonna ask her! Even Bubba and Alfred heard it all the way up in WA!
I heard Miss Isabella Gucci is even pickin' out her wedding party
before she picks out her dress! The colors are Super Tonks green and
white with pink flowers.

I hope this means she is movin' in with Super Tonks after they get

::::in a tauting voice::: more Totally Ferret Treats for me!!!! ---evil
little laugh---hee, hee, hee.

How's that workin' out for you?? 

Paolo Furetti 
(Miss Isabella "poopi"s" little brother)

[Posted in FML 5573]