Angel Bennett-Parsons, 2000 to 4-4-2007

The bright sun is shining on lush green grass, and an opalescent
rainbow can be seen in the background. Angel, a new arrival, is
checking out the grass and slithering along, when he sees a cute
chocolate ferret headed his way. He raises his head and watches
her approach.

Honey-Hello, my name is Honey and I'm one of those that help new
arrivals at the bridge meet up with their people.

Angel-Oh, that's why I feel better. My foster Mom told me about
this place. She said my Dad would meet me here. Is he here?

Honey-Oh, yes, he's been waiting patiently for you.

Angel dooked and bounced very high.

Honey-Are you ready to go meet him?

Angel-Just one minute.

He runs over to the viewing pool, and looks down on his foster mom. He
whispers Thank You, and one tiny glistening tear rolls down his nose,
and falls into the pool. It goes through and lands on foster mom's
cheek as a light kiss. He looks up at Honey and nods.

Angel-I'm ready.

Honey-Follow me.

Angel and Honey go bouncing and dooking over to a rainbow hued bridge,
and Angel sees his Dad. He runs over, climbs up to his shoulder, and
gives many ear kisses as he smiles a happy ferret smile. They both
disappear into a fine colorful mist, as they cross the bridge..

Sandy and the Dook City Gang
Rainbow Crew; Chelsea, Valentine, Jasmine, Tasha, Boris, Taz, Sugar and

[Posted in FML 5571]