I personally see nothing wrong with the Stouts.....I mean Is it NOT
normal to pick an apartment on the size of the room the ferrets will
be able to play in? To make sure they have ALL the LATEST in clothing
apparel?? And they must have the best in furniture and hom

Is it not normal to spend more money on their surgery than your own
medical needs? Or to get them that adorable hammy? Right now my job is
thinking I am crazy when ever other phrase out of myh mouth is "THAT
would be PERFECT for the babies to eat gravey out of....." or "Do not
throw out that wooden box, I can fill it up with sand/water/paper/toys
for the babies to play in".

What is strange and crazy is a family sitting around watching the new 4
month old nephew/son/grandson go #2. (NOT that MY family was doing that
tonight for 10 minutes or anything) ... I mean those are the crazies
ferret seriously.....

LMAO :) BTW I have seen the Stouts in action. They are just normal
everyday TN peeps. Living life with their good ol' buddies and
neighbors (snicker snicker).....So what if she tapes her sons in
panties and "stuff". So what if she lets her son get tattoo's in
California (OK they wiped off, but....) ferret ferret ferret (is that
enough ferret??)

HUGS WOLFY :P How are the neighbors? Are ya'll real happy over there
in good ol' TN??


[Posted in FML 5564]