FML Readers please note.
In the poem "What Would I Do"? The line that reads. " in your age
declining years" should have read "youth decling years."

I noticed the goof too late to make last night's deadline & I just
wanted it to be posted the correct way. PICK PICKYPICKY! ( FML 11
MARCH 2007-12 MARCH 2007) #20)

Sue P.

What Would I Do?

What would I do without you?,
asked the mama to her love.
Would stars still shine in the heavens
the sky shine bright with sun?

What would I do without you?
asked mama to her kit.
Could I continue as a fur mom,
whose heart upon you lit?

What would I do without you?
Oh I'm sure I'd be so bored.
How could I live, and not have laughter
'til my sides were sore.

What would I do without you,
to bring the smiles each day?
Truth be told, since you
I've not know many other ways.

What would I do without you
in your youth declining years?  <---
I'd know I'd never known that I
could cry so many tears.

What would I do without you?
There's no need to think like this.
Our hearts will always be entwined
at Rainbows tender kiss.

What would I do my precious love,
as an angel you rest on the floor?
I'd look at you, with just one thought
how'd I ever love before?


[Posted in FML 5545]