Your post was unbelievable. Aside from the fact that an email that
starts out accusing everyone else of being holier than thou is just
about saturated with the most holier than thou attitude of the entire
debate, I cannot believe that you can defend them. I've kept quiet so
far, reading about these horrible conditions with silent horror, but
now I've looked at the pictures on MFRAN's website. It just about broke
my heart, and your defense of the people responsible for this atrocity
is just unbelievable.

>When we see actual physical abuse - striking ferrets hard for
>"attitude adjustment"...

What those ferrets are going through IS physical abuse. It's also
neglect, and it's shameful. "Pampered prisses" have nothing to do with
it. The fact of the matter is that it's freezing outside, with some
very severe cold snaps, and those ferrets are without food, water or
any real shelter. How are your ferrets housed? Do you leave them
outside in cages with a pathetic attempt at shelter when the windchill
is below 0? Do you allow mountains of feces to pile up under their
cages? Do you give them only a frozen water bowl for water? Or are
you one of those so-called "pampered prisses" who actually takes
responsibility and provides proper housing for the ferrets in their

>Doug is a kindly old man barely staying alive.

You know what? I'm sorry that he has health problems, but this is a
poor excuse to condone what he's doing. He's kind? Um, not really.
"Kind" should extend to the animals in his care as well, and what he
and his family are putting them through is about as far from kind as
you can get. A truly kind person would understand the limitations of
his health and do something to get those ferrets out of the hell
they're in now. A truly kind (and intelligent) person would realize
that putting intact males and females together is going to result in
accidental litters and more ferrets that he can't take care of, which
will further decrease the level of care.

So I'm sorry, but I don't care about the "real life" of the people
involved. I care about the horrendous conditions that those ferrets are
"living" in. And guess what? I don't feel shame about that at all.

Oh, and ferrets do come first for a lot of people. But I seriously
doubt whether or not they come first with you, since you seem to
think that DM and family are doing a bangup job.


[Posted in FML 5541]