March 2007 News

Possum  NEW Senior Reporter
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Andy watching from Rainbow Bridge

Possum here: Hey Ernie! If you are so smart tell me how mum is going to
fly to Portland, for the international Ferret Symposium! I mean when
she eats her bird food cereal she some times chirps but will she grow
feathers too, so she can fly?

Ernie here: No Miss Possum, mum is flying to Portland in an air plane.
It is like a big bus only it is not yellow, and it takes humans from
one place to another in the sky.

Possum here: Hey wow, does that mean mum will be driving that to
Portland, like she does the big yellow thingy?

Ernie here: No Miss Possum she had to buy tickets to ride on it, it
takes a special license to drive/fly a plane and mums don't have that
special of a license.

Possum here: Hey chump you forgot to tell about Kristie and Cathy r
taking Winkin, Blinkin, and Nodd to our favorite doc, so they could go
to their new home. You also forgot to tell that Miss Kristie is helpen
mum paint her living room, she took care of us while mum was checking
out the Tardy home; then you did not tell that Miss Cathy D was helping
mum pull up her carpet in the living room. What's up with that? Miss
Sue is you working on a new picture of me? Just so you know you can
leave Ernie out of the picture!

Ernie here: okay okay! Geezzz that is why you are the senior reporter,
I am the cub reporter remember? You should have caught it then; not
now! So now who's the chump? Chump! Now let's get on with the news. Me
first, Miss Mary B, Miss Joy D. and Miss Wendy L. came to visit, they
spent time loving on us. Sebastian fell in love with Miss Joy, Miss Joy
fell in love with Sebastian, he even let her rub his belly, he won't
let mum do that. Miss Donna D. has come to help mum lots and lots. Mum
hosted the ferret lovers club meeting last month, 

Miss Anna W, Miss Kristie, Miss Stephanie, Miss Katrina, and Miss Cathy
R. came to the meeting, we missed all the others. They was sick. Mum
said she was okay with them not coming; cuz she don't wants to get sick
again. The next meeting is March 11 right here at the shelter.

Possum here: Hey! hey it is my turn to do some news; I gots some very
special important news about my far away mom!

My far away mom, Mina and Ollie's mom, Susann T.; became the New York
State Coordinator for the Emergency Animal Rescue Service (EARS), EARS
has more than 2,900 trained volunteers nationwide and can respond to
disasters anywhere in the U.S. and Canada within 24 hours. If anyone in New York State is interested in
learning more about EARS, disaster response or volunteer opportunities,
please contact my far away mom at [log in to unmask] This new post
will not affect her work with F.E.R.R.E.T. -- in fact, she believes it
will only enhance it, since she will be right on- scene and in a great
position to help any ferrets affected by a disaster to get the aid and
specialized care they'll need to survive.

My far away mom is one berry berry special far away mom!
Congratulations far away mom. I love you!

Ernie here: Well now that was pretty special, and very insightful of
you Miss Possum. Where did you learn all the big words and that

Possum here: I just did that is all you need to know!

The Boots family, New humans to the shelter, stopped in to see us! They
just moved to N.Y. so they did not know we were here until Mr. Tim C
told them. Thanks Mr. Tim!!!!! Eric had so much fun sitting on the
floor playing with the fur kids. Mr. Ross sents mum more Perry Mason
Movies, Mum loves Perry Mason but I had to tell Mr. Ross to tell Mum I
do not need to sit and watch them too... She keeps wanting me to sit
still with her!

Ernie here: HA! You sit still? You can not keep your mouth shut how
does mum expect you to sit still?

Possum here: You stop that! Mum Ernie is picking on me again. Oh! oh! I
gots to see a picture of Ralph in Florida, he is one handsome little
dude.. He lives with sugar's far away mom Priscilla. I think I am in
love with ralphie.

Ernie here: Miss Possum, can we get on with it, this news is suppose to
be about all of us here at the shelter, about what is going on, what
will be going on and what had gone on, NOT about you and who you think
you are in love with this month. Now I am going to tell some news! Miss
Stacie K. went shopping for mum, mum hates to shop so lots of our
shelter friends shop for her. Well part of the reason is because some
of the things she needs has to come from big stores and the big stores
are 30 or more minutes away. Mum does not like to take that much time
away from us because she already takes time away from us to drive the
big yellow thingy, and to take care of old lady Kay, so if she don't
have to go shopping she is perfectly happy with that. Thanks Miss
Stacie, Miss Donna D. Miss Cathy R. and Miss Kristie go shopping for
mum too. Mr. Albert came again with Grizzly to see about a new friend.
Grizzly has not found one yet. Jack and Jill went to a new home; they
are now in Brockport living with Miss Cathy R. Mum says PHEW! Thanks
for taking them monsters out of here, they were always into trouble!!!!

Possum here: hello! HELLO! It is my turn; there chump! Miss Nicky and
Mr. Mike took Sebastian and Lucy to Doc then brought them back home,
they needed a B.G. done. Then Miss Cathy R took Lucy back to the
hospital to see our favorite Doc. Lucy died on 03-02-07. Aunt Mary and
Our favorite Doc could not fix her. Mum had a whole week off of school,
so we had lots of help come in! Miss Donna Z, came to help on Monday,
she pulled cages away from the walls, got on her hands and knees and
scrubbed the floor, then laid wax down so it will be easier to clean
next time. Mr. Scott (Miss Donna's special man in her life) went out
and cut every piece of plywood mum had out in the garage for her living
room floor. That is so she can get them up the stairs. Mum is making
her living room floor ferret proof... We were having too much fun
pooping and digging the carpet she had up in the living room; so the
carpet is coming out and tile floor is going in. Mum has no sense of
humor! Oh Yeah and Mr Scott fixed the railing on the stirs for mum!
Mum messed it up and could not fix! Thanks Mr. Scott!

Ernie here: My turn Miss Possum. The next vacation day that week, mum
and Miss Ret met at Miss Sue W. house. Miss Sue told mum and Miss Ret
she had some fabric she said she no longer needed/wanted. Miss Sue was
willing to give it over to us for the shelter and because Miss Ret and
MY far away mom sew for us, Miss Ret came to pick it up.. HOLY MOLY!!!
Miss Sue said here you go what do you want? Miss Ret and Mum just stood
there staring at all the bolts and bolts of fabric in disbelief! Miss
Sue gave us more fabric than our mum has ever seen in one place. Mum
just kept saying; "OH MISS Sue you are a blessing"! Thanks Miss Sue for
all you do for us... We had Winkin, Blinkin and Nodd here at camp for a
week, The Donahue kids and Talledo girls are here now. Mum is sure busy
with campers!!!

Possum here: Hey hey hey! Miss Donna D. found mums bird food, mum has
not had any in a long long time cause she could not find it. Miss Donna
did!! Junior girl got into the cupboard and stole mums special
crackers; mum caught her dragging them up the stairs. Mum took them
away from her, told her she could not have the crackers. Only later
that night mum found a package she had gotten up stirs mum did not know
about. They was open and all over the floor under the couch. Mum was
just a bit miffed. Okay we need to close don't forget about the raffle
we have going.. Miss Ret donated one and Miss Tonya donated the other..

Oh yeah don't forget about Clinic day June 2, 2007 and symposium June
21-23 2007
only 15 weeks away!!!!

Until Next month;
Senior reporter Possum
Andy: watching from Rainbow Bridge
Ernie: Maybe the Cub-reporter?

Our Shopping Mall

International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator

Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue Shelter

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