[Alexandra says Kim Fox still can't get through to the FML. so Ms.
Colburn was nice enough to forward a post from Kim again.  And...
here it is:    BIG]

Greetings FMLÍrs

I apologize for being so remiss in updating you all. Foot surgery went
swimmingly well ....until they got me in to my room....there was a
brief time when they weren't even sure if they had a room for me OR a
PSA pump (one of those nifty little inventions where you administer
your own pain medicine every 6-10 minutes). What was supposed to be an
overnight stay turned into 6 days due to pain management and getting
me mobile. I was at Mercy Med Center by the way and the staff was hit
and miss. The good folks were the most awesome care takers you could
imagine, the rest I couldn't believe chose nursing or even nurse tech
as a profession. On the day after my surgery one of these medical
wonders banged my foot in to the elevator wall when bringing me back
from physical therapy....All I can say is that it was a good thing she
was out of kicking reach of my good leg. All she had to say for herself
was,.."I'z didn't meanz it...it's waz an accident"....as if that made
it all better...It took them 5 hours to get my pain managed.

I left the hospital inspired to being a nurse. I have a knee walker and
crutches. The knee walker has the crutches beat hands down. Since this
affects my right foot, my balance is shot and I fell up the steps twice
trying the crutch thing. I found that I could get really created with

The best laid plans of ferrets & woman fell apart while I was in the
hospital as one volunteer fell ill and two others had family crisis'
that demanded their attention and they had to step down from helping
out for awhile. That was the worst news I could get and left all the
care for the ferrets on 3 people.....3 angels of mercy I might add.
They have gone above and beyond the call of any kind of ferret duty one
could ever expect and I thank God for them. I don't know what I would
have done with out them. I spent a week with a friend as the doc was
concerned about animal dander and infection. I came home a day early
after several discussions with my friend ( a critical care nurse) and
my "problem" with pain meds. By problem we're talking taking a pain
pill every 5 hours instead of 8 hours as the label says. Yeah, that
really makes me Anna Nicole....I told her to stuff it until she found
me wandering around her house asking "Dooooooooo youooooooooo like my
boddddddddy?" That went over like passed gas in church and I asked to
be brought home. Yesterday was interesting,.....the partition cracked
in two places while I was out and leave it to Lisa Simpson to figure
out how to navigate it, ,followed by her partners in crime, Marge &
Maggie. The pimp daddys lumbered along but they are never a worry, the
most well behaved gibs you could ask for. They mocked me knowing my
condition was limited.....what they didn't know was that momma had a
plan. I took the plunge, removed the partition, caught the trouble
making culprits and promptly put them back in ferret jail. We've had
enough folks step up to do temporary fostering so the load will be
lightened until the cast from hell comes off...I think Straussy had
the right idea....he tried to chew it off.....he did not think that
this was something that should be on mommy.

I get a few kids on the living room side to visit with every day and
have tried to keep them amused by attaching a box to my knee cart from
hell and making a ferret choo choo...they absolutely love it.

Of course my schleprock luck would not be what it is without more
troubles. My dog who just had her last eye removed had a sebaceous cyst
that required medical attention..my transporter volunteer reported that
the head was the size of a lima bean and amazing that it didn't take
out somebody's eye when it finally popped....it has been nick named
Krakatoa as it oozed for days. THEN I get the dx on my Taz....my 9
year old boy who has not been himself lately. He has congestive heart
failure and taking lasix which I pray will buy him another 20 years...
Taz is my love, my pillow ferret, the guy that has seen me through so
much giving so much of his heart when I needed him the most. We spend a
lot of nap time together as I cherish every beat of his blessed little
heart. Even now as I sit here typing he lays next to me content to be
close even though I can't hold him.....while I crochet, laying next to
me will just not do...he must have his spot inside my shirt...how
precious is that?....Losing Taz is going to be the one that takes me
down I'm afraid. The message of the spirit guides I received months ago
ring in my head "You are in for another rough year."

I was so sorry to hear of Mike Janke, the ferret world lost a great
one. How very sad. But I know he is surrounded by fuzzys on the other

Sorry to be so long winded, just wanted to share with my FML family.
So many of you are closer to me than the little family I have left. I
have little to no help from them and my brother lives right down the
street. It's funny how you have plenty to keep you occupied-crocheting,
finishing two books but sometimes lose interest in them, so disgusted
with being confined....and most of the time alone.....what would I do
without the company of my animal companions....I just can't imagine it.

I was able to escape to the BFC meeting on Sunday which was so
wonderful as Helen Tarbert was there to give a speech on the black
footed ferret. I admired a beautiful picture of a bf ferret emerging
from a hole in the ground, the sun rising in the background and she
gave it to me....it gives me goosebumps just looking at it.

Take care all. ItÍs good to be back.

Kimberly Fox
Director/Rescue Mom
Somethin Up My Sleeve Ferret Rescue
Pay Pal accepted for donations at this email address.

[Posted in FML 5560]