The Winter Blues OT

Oh woe is me - Marilyn here, and I finally got my St. Patrick's Day
cards out. On no, I'm not early for next year, I'm late for this year.

Here in NH we had 3 feet of snow, the highway crew is the best, they
keep the roads open no matter what. BUT, the wing plow hits mailboxes,
personally, I think the man with the most boxes gets a prize, and my
new, 90 day old box was hit.

It not only got hit, it got buried. I had put ALL my cards in it, with
a ten dollar bill, I love small towns, and expected the mail man to
take them and mail them and bring me my change.

I just uncovered the box, hauled it up to the house, opened it up,

Nothing was damaged, so, I sent them out today.

Marilyn Ledoux

[Posted in FML 5559]