A new ferret angel earned his wings on Wed Feb 28th. Gabriel fought a
mighty battle against insuliminoma and in the end we had to assist him
in crossing the rainbow bridge.

Gabriel came to our household the day after a tragic accident took 2
of our other ferrets, Hannibal and Zoomie. Gabriel was a sweet, gentle,
loving, and happy boy that helped us recover from our previous loss and
move forward. He was a sweet angel that we named Gabriel.

Gabriel's favorite toy as the laundry basket. Many a time the laundry
basket needed to be pounced on, in, dragged, and shaken. His next
favorite toy would be a good ole plastic grocery bag. Gabriel was one
of those favorites who would never bite. If he should by chance catch
a finger, the most sorrowful look was cross his face. You'd think he
had bitten his own tail.

Gabriel's favorite game with humans was to gently grab your finger with
his teeth, then to be picked up or dragged around while he attempted to
hang on. One of my family taught him this trick without my knowledge,
and I was quite surprised the first time he wouldn't let go of my

Gabriel's favorite treats were ferretone and 8 in 1 ferretbites, or
whatever treats he could steal from anyone else. It was quiet amusing
some nights to attempt to give him treats. He would refuse them, only
to turn and steal someone elses.

Gabriel's had several favorite spots -On the couch next to my legs
while I laid down and watched TV, a spot next to my bed where a pink
terry cloth robe always awaited him, or the Gladware tub in the kitchen

Gabriel always maintained a happy disposition, even while fighting the
severe glucose drops from his insulinoma. He will be greatly missed by
one and all in our household.


[Posted in FML 5536]