Well, hopefully everyone has had their say. It is the purpose of an
open forum. I wish to thank all those who sent me e-mails - it was
refreshing and appreciated. A little sad that so many were reluctant
to post their feedback due to fear of the fire so to speak but I
understand. I'm pleased that the Ferret Mailing List exists as an open
forum to help ferret owners with their babies and hope it continues for
a long time - it's needed. And I'm happy so many people have seemed to
find competent vets that will do their best to help them out with their
fuzzies. I have too much respect for my profession and most of my
collegues to get involved in a verbal debate over the facts of my
profession so all I'll say is I stand behind my postings with the hope
that it will help some people better understand their vets, with the
knowledge that every veterinarians situation is individual. I will
continue to help my ferret clients as much as I can and hope if they
have concerns they will do me the courtesy of bringing them to my
attention. Thanks to the mailing list.

[Posted in FML 5555]